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Rush bag weaving and foraging weekend

Sat 5th October 2024 9:30 am
to Sun 6th October 2024 3:00 pm

Come and take part in our weekend workshop, where you can learn how to weave your own rush bag and then use it to forage in nature's bounty!

Workshop itinerary: You can buy tickets for each day separately or for both days.

Saturday: Make a Foraging Bag 9.30am - 4pm

On this course you'll be working with English rush, (Schoenoplectus lacustris)which is a beautifully soft material to weave with as well as some locally foraged fibres such as dandelion. You'll learn the ancient technique of cordage and twilling and how to make a small rush foraging bag or hand bag with a strap and will leave with a finished bag and the skills to make another. You'll have the opportunity to use the bag you make for some foraging and herbal medicine making on the spring foraging and potion making day on the Sunday.

Sunday: Autumn Forage (with your own basket!) and Potion Making 10am - 3 pm

Come and explore the abundance of the hedgerows at The Community Farm and make a herbal potion to keep healthy through the seasons. We will spend the day learning about the trees and plants in the locality including history, medicinal uses and folklore. We will forage and fill our baskets in the morning and make a herbal remedy and some wild teas around the fire in the afternoon. You will gain the confidence to forage autumn herbs and make more immune boosting potions at home beyond the course.

Wear warm clothes and bring wet weather gear as the weather is unpredictable at this time of year!

Bring a jar to take your potion home in, a knife and a chopping board.